Jun 03, 2011 13:21
Today is June Third!
Aka last day of My surrrpa Math class.
only 2 weeks and took my final today.
I was kinda stressed about it more annoyed than stressed.
I think i did really good well maybe not good but i think i did alright.
OR maybe im just trying to lie to myself.
Ha but anyways! after i get done with the test, i feel much better, less stressed and annoyed but that didn't last long.
I turned my phone on when i leave the class and i had 4 missed calls and a voice mail of my friend sounding stressed out and all panicky
So i called him back!
turns out he need me to do some favors which i did but i was annoyed because i had too run around M town looking for shit "everything from the morning after pill too cosmetics too weird stuff" Ended up running around the mall decided to buy everything there but he said there's no time and ect ect, soo i walked out. On the way out i think i saw Charlotte but i wasn't really paying attention not like i really care but its been a while if it was. To be honest if it was would i of said something? or just walked away? EH idk.
But anyways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i get in the car, dad calls ask if i have the paper for class/work in my car, open my trunk there it is. Bla bla bla he says i need to meet him somewhere blabla bla the end.
Now im home.
CHillin and i gotta go out again in 2 hours.