
Nov 27, 2005 22:57

He's waiting, hoping, wishing, and praying... to keep his life. Breathe one more breath of air, live one more moment, make it home... he's terrified, his family is terrified. All he wants is to make it, just make it... He's your American Soldier, your trooper. He's fighting for your freedom... or is he fighting for Bush's oil, Bush's pride?

Im so pissed, confused, scared outta my mind, sad, and drained... All i want is for him to come home, no more training, no maryland, no hurt, and most of all no, the one word that ive been dreading, the one that makes me shutter and think of his precious life everytime i hear it: IRAQ.

Thanksgiving.. worked all day, came home to a nice meal with the family. My mom tells me that Johns called, he wanted to talk to me, he should be calling back soon. No sooner than taking the first bite, and RING RING... "Hello?" ahhhhh so happy. I miss him, its so fulfilling to hear his voice, and the reassurance that he'll be home for christmas :) What could make my day better?? So it's all going well, and then he tells me that it is very likely that he could be going to IRAQ... WHAT!!?? I tried so hard not to let him know i was crying... it just broke my heart. I knew it all from the beginning... but to actually hear it? Its too much... I love him so much. I dont know what i would do without him. As much as we argue, sometimes even fight, I do miss him, miss him a lot. Its been 16 years. He's always been just a phone call away at his farthest.. what would i ever do without him? I hear it everyday... Another U.S soldier casualty... I love im so much, i'll do anything... He can lecture me all he wants... follow me everywhere i go, put wire taps on me ANYTHING! Just dont take him from me... He is everything missing in me... my soft shoulder... i need him.

*NiCkEl* Hope things start looking up for you.. sorry i was so down tonite... bad nite i guess...
*GaNgStEr* Nice Voicemail... I called you just to hear you say you were not around.. and i loved how you called me back. Its nice to know that you'll **always be there..

Feeling disappointed, to sum it all up in one word, im feeling like shit.
Hope everyone else is havin a good nite. so goodnite.
♥ Kayla...
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