Jul 01, 2004 17:40
hmm today was borin. Woke up..wasn't comfertable..ate raisin brain and watched a movie on t.v. It was pethetic lol. Then i got my lazy butt up of the couch and excercised. Ran, yoga, weights. I was bored what can i say. Bored+out of shape= working out. Then i meditated which was quiet interesting. Very fufilling. Surprisingly because now-a-days nothing is. I've been thinking a lot about who i want to be "with". I think no one because every person i feel like i connect with doesn't feel the same about me. I move on. Then get upset with myself for just letting it go. I know who i like, and that i could treat that person well but... they don't know that. They are chasing after an untagable thing. Something they will never have under the circumstances. So now what do i do?