didnt realize it had been this long.

Dec 30, 2005 21:21

It's been awhile since I have updated. I just added a bunch of pictures to my myspace thing. My christmas was really good. My birthday was good too. Today I also reqested some info on a school so maybe i cant get on with my life.. lol I think March 25- April 2, Dan and I are going to NY, he wanted to go cause its his spring break and I want to go to, so I think I'll get a ticket for him cause I know he cant buy it. After may he'll be gone and I wont really get to see him anymore. :( it makes me sad, i get teary eyed. Antonio wants to move up there but I dont want to. I think the snow is keeping me here. That and I cant leave Lisa. We have gotten so close I dont think I could leave a friend like that. I got her an engraved picture frame with a picture of us in it for christmas.. it said Nicole and Lisa (on top) and on the bottom it said best friends, and she cried when she opened it. :) Antonio got me diamond hoop earrings and this "love knot" ring I wanted.. its hard to explain you'd have to see it.

Tomorrow night we are all going to Lisa's for New Years.. we gotta go get the stuff tomorrow. Tomorrow morning Im finally going to get my second hole done in my ear. Im nervous. lol I havent gotten my ears pierced since i was like 8 or something. lol. Anyways that about all that has been going on. Antonio gets off at 10 then we are going to his sisters to feed her cat and make sure the kittens arnt all over her apt. lol.. I'll up date later, bye bye.
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