Feb 04, 2009 18:39
40+ hour work week is kicking my ass. only because i have to wake up at 5:30am. grr. fuck that. and its been the coldest its been in florida in 8 years. and i drive a moped. this is rough. but, ive got a lot of things to look forward to. my friend from california is coming to visit next week, and im getting to visit baton rouge the 2nd week in march! which is very, very exciting, but at the same time, im getting anxious about it, because i really dont want it to be weird for certain people. however, i honestly wouldnt mind just sitting in a room with natalie the entire time..in fact, i would really enjoy that. im sure im not going to want to leave once i'm there. and, as an added bonus, fuckin ANATHALLO will be playing while im there! and the st. patty's day parade. and then after that, everyone will be coming to visit me in florida! beach tiiime. annnnd flight of the conchords in tampa! gosh..i really couldnt ask for a more perfect timing...im just ready for some social contact, and a break from my hermit-ness. cannot wait to see my darling. and all mah frandz. yaiz!