so here are some pics from NH, a few i just took, and a few other random ones. the ones from NH are kinda bad quality as well as the random ones because they were from regular pictures so i took a picture of the picture lol. so yeah, sorry about that. but enjoy <3
bad quality but yeah thats all of us kids who went to NH. it goes Me, Mark, Lauren, Matt, Patt, and then Kevin. Jonathon was sick so he wasnt in the pic
this is a pic of us on the jet skiis getting some gas. on the jet ski to the left its Kevin on the back and Matt driving. Then Mark is standing on the dock, and on the jet ski to the right its Me in the front and then Pat behind me! i got shafted and had to wear this gay ass lifevest cause we didnt bring more then 4 on the boat haha FUCKKK
this is Pat, Myself, and Mark looking at the restuarant we were going to eat at. The Naswa, i swear it was a fucking hooters. im not even kidding haha
this is alot of us on the boat before we went on a ride. Jonathon and his mom are closest to the left side of the pic. sitting in the driver seats. then theres me with the green and white shirt, lauren is next to me, and kevin is sitting on the top of the seat looking at the camera.
this is a random one of my mom, kim, and myself on my boat a while ago. haha im such a fag. im trying to be all ghetto!
this is another one of us three, but atleast we all look normal, even me.