(no subject)

Jan 04, 2010 20:29

Well this is something that we had to do for English. It's a discriptive paragraph and we had to choose an object or person to describe. I chose Ryan Ross :)

He is a work of art, sketched with both delicate and rugged lines, giving him the look of eternal masculine youth. Curly hair frames his face, just brushing his shoulders and its brown hue is resemblant of a milky chocolate. His eyes are the color of honey that is straight from the comb. They are calm and tranquil, filled with soul and maturity, but they hold a deep fire underneath, telling stories of past confusion and turmoil. Below his eyes is his small, button-nose and next comes his mouth. His mouth is thin and unspectacular in appearance, but the beautiful melodies that it emits acts as a restitution. He has long spidery fingers with calloused tips from laboring hours on end over his guitar. He is a tall individual and scrawny, lanky in shape. When you look at him at a side view, it is like he almost disappears. There is an aura of mystery and soulfulness surrounding his every being. He is a masterpiece equivalent to one of Michelangelo’s.

Any good? I thought so, but I don't know.
This is a pic pf Ryan where I got my inspiration from.

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