(no subject)

Aug 30, 2009 13:01

Well as many Panic/Young Veins fans know it is Ryan Ross's day of birth! Now I am about to get mushy, so be prepared.

I can honestly say that I love Ryan. He is an amazing musician and lyricist and inspires me so much. Although he has made a few stupid decisions (but who hasn't?), I look up to him and consider him one of my heroes. He's gorgeous to say the least and dresses like he's a time traveller from the 60s. He can play guitar like a beast and his singing...well he's gotten ALOT better! I remember listening to concert videos where he'd be singing backup and cringing!! Now he's the lead singer of his new band. He's come along pretty far in that aspect :)

Jeez, I remember when they were first starting out and he was what? 18, 19 years old? Now he's 23. It's pretty weird to think that he's only seven years older then me. He's my sister's age. Yet, I look up to him like people look up to Jon Lennon.

I'm kind of at a loss for words right now, but I could say so much more.

I love Ryan Ross and his strange clothes, his long fingers, his tattoos, his weird brain, and his gorgeous smile.
Happy Birthday RyRo.

emo boys, patd, ryan ross

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