Finals are over. Thank God. I don't think they went too badly, but I won't really know for a week or so. I've got about two and a half weeks of no classes until I start the summer semester where I'll be taking chemistry. Unfortunately, I'll also be working the whole summer too, so my dedicated lazy time has been severely diminished.
Chemistry. Ugh. I already technically took it at Florissant Valley Community, but I got a D, and Ds don't transfer. Now I'm not stupid, I'm just an idiot. Instead of doing any real work, I never studied and so didn't know any of the formulas for gas pressures, mol densities, covalent conversion, etc. I knew what they all meant, just the math behind them escaped me. So, here I am, doing it again. Ah well.
The big boon for this semester was the completion of my senior project. For those who don't know (and care), it was a simple examination software written for a doctor in the dental school to emulate the real ADA exams that her students will eventually have to take. There are still a few issues with the software, but nothing major. I will be supporting the software over the summer when I get time, so we aren't just abandoning her with what we left. (At least I'M not.)
What's left? A pile of general ed classes. Oh boy, boring AND full of writing. Well, I'll be taking those in the fall, and then I'm done. No more school. What then? Well, I hope to have a prospective job by then. We'll see.
Lastly, my cousin will be coming to visit me in the last week of May. That should be fun and stuff. I'm probably going to take him shooting on the weekend of June 1st, so if you're interested in joining us, let me know.
And with that, I think I'll go back to work.
-- Me.
I saw this just a few minutes ago. I... I don't know. From what I understand, this is making fun of a poorly written piece of Half Life fan fiction. Quite frankly, it's amazing.
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