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Nov 25, 2004 15:13

Heyy. Sorry I haven't updated, I haven't been home long enough to sit here and type everything out. This week we only had two days of school =) pimp.

- theology: watched some of "joshua". wiiicked good movie <3 loved it.
- biology: notes...
- french: sat by myself because mike was getting his permit. it was his birthday =). he's 16. woop.
- english: mike ramsden came in =). with a huge balloon. we took a test.. i didn't do so hot, whatever! mike lawless walked by the classroom too, that was a fucking shock and a half. haven't seen that kid in about three weeks now.. amazing.
- lunch: ate with bobby, chris burrows, chris boutin, & jess dumais. we were all like "woo chris chris and chrissy" and everyone else was like "i dont care"
- geometry: worked on a sketchpad exercise. sat on the computers with bobby and casey. sat at the table with jess alejandro, stephen wright, eric hassey and like sean oliveria. good times.
after school we had a fuckin' basketball meeting. i'm SO pumped about that one =) =). then i went to a history study group with mike, tahkihero andd chris alejandro. good times. then after study group michelle picked me up and we headed to brooks for nylons. then we went to the hair salon, we tried something different.. i hated it. oh well. then we went over to like k-mart and walmart to get shit. then we visited my great aunt connie.. she's wickked sick =(. she had a seizure and they think she might have alzheimers and i'm scared. then i came home and yaa.

- study: gay, nothing to explain.
- history: took a test, did good, happy about that. then we just chilled cuz the class was shorter then it usually is.
- theology: watched the rest of "joshua". tears were like soo close to coming down when the guy falls off the ladder and dies =(. but then i was like woo when joshua saved him. =) good movie.. you should watch it.
- biology: GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY.
- lunch: ate with anthony and pat. the food was disgusting looking so they kept saying shit to make me not want the food.. gross.
- church: good.. it was the junior ring ceremony. i liked it. <3. ryan gave lindsey it and it was wicked cute =).
- french: gay, did nothing.
after school i had chess. then me, steph, kathleen, katie lee, jesse & megan were heading to stephs house and the car wouldnt start. so we got gilpin to come down and he got mad at too many people in the car and mr sweeney ended up starting the car for us. i had to sit on kathleens lap ;]. lol. good times. we saw josh walking so we picked him up and then went to the house. insane. so much shit went down. =(. then me & stephanie dropped kathleen off and then got jesse and chris ralls. a bunch of shit went down and yeah. INSANE. then i slept over their house.

woke upp, watched Saved with katie and eli [another good movie].. then we just chilled. steph brought me home aand bob came over & helped me clean my closet. then he left and i went back to the landrys and chilled there. was informed that someone that DOESN'T KNOW ME thinks i'm a slut and shit because he saw me walking up the stairs with one person and down them with another. so fucking gay. omg >=O. then i came home and got another call that some fucking chick had a knife in her hands read to kill us on tuesday night. haha fuckin retard. then i talked to brian and bobby on the phone and went to bed.

went to the football game with steph kelliann desi and michele. saw jimmy. then i came here, to my dads friends house and we're eating soon =).

peaace ♥
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