(no subject)

Oct 25, 2004 18:52

today sucked. let me tell you.

i woke up at 610 because i put my alarm clock for 5 PM. i didn't even realize, how stupiiid is that. lol it sucked. so i just got up and changed and left.. whatever, we went up to michaels and then to school... =\.

school friggen flew by, but it wasn't exciting by any means.

Biology - took a test, fucking bombed it. oh well, what can ya do. then we just pretty much studied.. fuuun.
French - Ms Labella wasn't there so we had Mrs Keegan instead... =\. we were supposed to work with our partners but Mrs Keegan insisted on making us not talk whatsoever.. gayyyyyy. All we did was review for tomorrow's test which was supposed to be like today.
English - took a test, wicked easy =). then we had to take a diagnostic test thing in the grammar book.. kinda confusing but what can ya do.
Lunch - sucked ass.
Geometry - worked with my group the whole time, then went up to present it and got yelled at, fucking stupid. she's like "i'm not gonna walk you through everything this year" pretty much saying "oh what do you expect me to teach you?" well yeah.. you are my teacher. ugh. it wasn't even just me that didn't get it, like no one did. whatever.
Study - went wicked slow.. i got nothing done, but do i ever.

then my aunt picked me up and we went over to her house to get a bunch of stuff for my hair then we came here and she cut it and dyed it.. it's alright, i don't love it.

tomorrow's red sox day at school, we get to wear whatever we want as long as its red sox apparel lol, red or white.. and if you wear yankees stuff you get sent home, kinda funny. <3

and i still dont knowww what to do. i like someone but all i can think of is what happened last time. ughhh =(.

<3 chrissy
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