Mar 09, 2005 18:33
well not much happend..wait a lot happend!! haha well today laura talked to this kid ( that i think is cute but i know hes not but he is..idk its wierd dont worry about it) and yeah she told him that i liked him nd stuff and hes like..well i have a girl friend but shes really cute and im like yay! so then after school i went to the jv mall and it was so crowed!! haha soo kidding it was dead and i went into hollister and got a shirt and a piar of sandles and then we went into the cany store and we had like no money and it came to $16 and we only had $9!! but theys like going out of buisness so the guys like wutever and gave it us!! so it funn lol ok bye
*meliss <3