hahaha .
i just came back from hanging out with kevin and fran. it was fun and interesting. kevin smoked us out of this lil homemade bong on gujome road. it worked very well.and everytime a car came we ducked our heads..like it made a difference.lol and kevin was dancing in his head the whole time while me and fran just rambled on about stuff. haha we were seeing some trippy shit in te bushes.
i wanna hear a beat from the 80's pop band...hahaha
i found out that my heart goes bum..bum..bum..bum...
not bumbum..bumbum..bumbum like a regular heartbeat. lol
and if i could be anything in the whole world i would be a rastafarian astronaut living in jamaica or the bahamas. and i would have beautiful art pieces on tatooed on me. oo i got another idea. i wanna get 2 little colorfull shrooms behind my left ear.
a great way to end this not so horrible day.