Sick of the typicial.. waiting on the wonderfull.

May 17, 2005 18:08

heyy everyone..its kinda been awhile since i updated..and im so bored and waiiiiting for american idol to start so i thought id update about a few things.
- well lets see.. i cant really remember to much bout last week..kinda slipped my mind..but idk i went out a few nights and hung out with some people..thats about it..i cant member deatails..alright well..i guess ill update about the weekend or something?

ahh lets see..friday..after school i came home and hung out with stacie. we went up ta westland and walked around for a little..and then i got my hair done and stacie left. mann it took forever..either that lady ws slow..or i was jsut immpatient (spelling?) but mom came up there and suprised me with a cholace milkshake wich i was very excited dosent take much to please me..just the little things like that make my day =) so anyways..after i got my hair done i came home and got ready for saide hawkins. then my mom took me over to curtis's where ashley and brent were..we took a few pics and was pretty and ash had some girl talks while the boys were playing basketball. it was fun sutff. but anyways..i thought the dance was going to be gay when i first got there..i member thinking what the hell..why am i even but it actually turned out to be alot of fun. so the dance ended around 9ish and me whitney hil and gilbow drove back to whitneys. we changed out of our dresses and chilled for a few..then gilbow took us back to his house. caylie alicia AC pat scott nick and a few other ppl were there..i dont exactly but anyways, lets just say..we had alot of fun..then later we got back to whits house and we all just hung out there..and then went ta bed. =). but it was fun..then saturday morning around 11 hils mom picked us up and they dropped me off. when i got here i slept for a little and then helped my mom pack since were moving. it was a little wierd..but ahh thats like now the majority of or stuff is in ehh? no not at all. but then later on saturday me and hils went back to whitneys..we jsut hung out with some was fun. me and hils left around 9ish. we dropped hils off..and it was early to bed for me..i was to tired form the night before. so sunday = day of hell. my dad keeps insisting that i go to work with him..why? all we do is fight when we are together..its actually getting pretty annoying. but my mom said i dont have to go anymore since all he does is yell at ha. i kinda feel bad about saying bad stuff about him..but in a way i need to let it out..ah well. hopefully things will get better eventually..maybe? ah.ill keep my fingers crossed. but ne ways..thats about it..that was my weekend..

-monnnday- school went good. gotta love those late start mondays. =) after school stacie picked me up and we went ta get food..we just hung out for a little..nothing special. then around 6ish nicki and i were bored so we went up ta 12 oaks..i got some stuff so it was worth going. =).
-tooddday- school was pretty good..hadda run the mile..ah well wasnt too bad. but hils came home with me ..we just chilled here and ate..then my little cousin emily came over becuase she wasnted help with cheer..shes got tryouts all week and wanted to show me what she learned. aw shes so cute. good luck with tryouts em =)<3.

no idea wahts going on for the rest of the week...
ill update agian sometime later. =)

- Take this out of this livejournal and paste it in yours. name 50 random things that make you happy -

1. smiling 2. laughing 3. cheerleading 4. american idol 5. lip gloss/chap stick 6. food 7. manicures 8. movies 9. parties 10. shopping 11. when someone does something nice for you jsut because 12. my clogs 13. flip flops 14. slurpees 15. vacations 16. beaches 17. tanning 18. the OC 19. my freinds 20. cuddeling 21. kissing 22. rascal flatts 23. toby keith 24. my family 25. brushing my teeth 26. makeing someone else's day 27. hot cholacte 28. starbuks 29. summer 30. sleeping in late 31. AE 32. abercrombie 33. money 34. AIM 35. pictures 36. hollister 37. swimming 38. caseville 39. people wearing cowboy hats 40. compliments 41. achieveing a goal 42. stunting 43. music 44. tumbling 45. cookies 46. popsicles 47. concerts 48. cholacte 49. meeting new people 50. weekends

found that in saras journal so i thought id paste it in here =)
feel free to take if ud like.

God blessed the broken road..that led me staright to you...
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


comment if u want.
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