Feb 16, 2005 22:27
long time, no update. well these past days have been stressful, sad, happy, mad fun, and confusing. i just want to let all my friends and Rocky that i love you guys oh so much. thanks for being there for me..thats enough of that..
so sunday yeah i didn't wake up for church. to get my mind of things i went and saw boogyman with Rocky, Melissa and her step brother. it was a horrible movie and like Melissa said hide and seek was 297026 times better! Rocky could beat the boogyman's ass anyday, he'd just punch him in the face!..someone really has to go behind that curtain too..that would be so funny, by the way hows that cat problem lol! and i wish that my closet was a transporter thing, that'd be sweeet.
then monday Happy Valentine's Day!!<3, it was chaotic but so great when i went to Rocky's! I love my cowboy..teddy bear and my baby! hehe. and i knew i wasn't gonna get to sleep that night so Rocky talked me to sleep<3
tuesday..me and Matt supposivly got written up, how great it that. ((joyy)) and my seat got switched to the other side of the room, real gay. then after school i went to Rocky's! but i wish i coulda stayed longer, i always have such a good time with him!<3
and today..same ol, school then Rockys!<3..then cheer practice. we've been having cheer practice everyday and we've been improving a lot. the light is bigger. we all have guys names on our squad too hahaha. to name a few.. Me-Joe, Paulina-Paul, Rachel-Ray, Chrissa-Chris, Brittney-Conner or Boe lol...
Thanks again everyone! Rocky, I Love You So So So So Much! Thank you for everything!<3
..Kelly Jo* aka cowgirl, joe ha