Jul 05, 2010 01:24
I guess this is all I have left when it comes
to social networking sights and since I don't have
that many friends on LJ it's the safest place for me to
put my thoughts and feelings out there.
Will I always have these insecurities that cripple me?
Will I always have mistaken thinking?
Will I always let people in; only to HURT or be HURT?
Will people always judge me because of my past?
Will people always rule out the fact that it's
possible for me to change?
Will I always live in fear?
Will I always be afraid of what other's think of me?
Will I always be afraid of being alone?
Will I ever just be content with "What Is?"
I guess What it comes down to is:
What am I willing to do differently and does it really matter what other's think?
I will keep striving to be the woman I want to be and know that there will always be people in life that want to see me Fail
There will always be those who want to see me the way that i always was so that they still have purpose
It's up to me to allow it or not allow those people in my life..