Aug 12, 2005 14:12
well i really havent updated since the trip at all so here it goes.
the trip was unbelievable i cant believe it went by so fast. it was one of the best times in my life i will never forget it. and i love everyone so much im so sad im not with them anymore.
after the trip ((its been like a full week now)) i have just hung around and caught up with all my friends.
thursday - i got home at 2 am and didnt go to sleep until 330. hung out the day (well woke up at 3 cuz of time difference) and got ready. went to the carnival with tracy mel shay and dylan. it was fun but all dylan and i could talk about was the trip. it was weird. i was with these people constantly and now not at all.
friday - did some things around the house and then a bunch of people came over. my mom kind of planned it. i think it was tracy, mel, bobby, kevin, vicki, cj, shay, nikki, naz, derek, duggy, and colleen. mrs oflynn made her yummy peanut butter squares. YAY. lol. we hung out the whole time. it was good to see my friends again. i think nikki slept over.
saturday - nikki left in the afternoon i guess? idk. then i slowly did stuff and got ready for my date with my AUSSIES! ahhh it was so exciting to hang out with all of them again. it was me stephan kim steph mike mary and josh. we went to mikes. we got pizza, came back, swam in the pool, and watched anchorman. we tried to star gaze but that didnt really work. haha. so then we decided that me nd kim were sleeping over marys. we had to drive josh home first and that was uneventful haha. we got lost. majorly. haha. we finally got back to marys at like 1 am. we stayed up till like 4 and went to sleep.
sunday - woke up at like 1130, 12. mary and i drove kim home. we stopped at stephs for like a half hour and hung out. then we drove to seymour to drop josh off his towel and bathingsuit. then we came back to milford. we stopped at dylans for like a half hour, and then we drove around edos block for like 15 minutes to see if he came home yet cuz mary wanted to see him. we left a note in his mailbox, went to 7-11 got slurpees, and she drove me home. then i went to my grandparents house in stamford which was boring.
monday - i woke up, did some stuff. then nikki and i went to the mall. we tried to help dmar pick out a present for chels, but it didnt work. then she ended up sleeping over. we dyed our hair! haha. hers was purple and mine was orange. it was funny times. we went to sleep at like 4 again. we woke up late, and e and her friends were making pancakes. so we had some and got ready. we walked to nikkis, and ran to my house. then idk what we did till her parents came. i think we swam.
wednesday - babysat the whole day. then went to duggys surprise party!! yay! haha it was good.
thursday - did nothing. was supposed to go star gazing but it never worked. i went to the mall with my mommy and found a dress! yay im excited! haha.
now im bored and i gotta babysit tonight. this weekends gonna be the best though! i cant wait!
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