(no subject)

Aug 16, 2005 11:40

somewhere between the procrastination, the homework, the friendships, and the nasty cafeteria food, the calls to old friends, the i miss yous, and the i love yous, and what are we doing tonight`s? somewhere between all of the changed and growing and the skipping classes, the studying for tests, and the pretending to be studying for tests, and the downriight not studying for tests, i forgot. ..i forgot what it meant to cry. i forgot that pretending to be happy doesn`t make you happy. i forgot that pretending to be smart doesn`t make you smart. and that pretending to be okay doesn`t make youu okay. i forgot that you can`t just forget the past in fear of our future.. i forgot that you can`t control falling in love.. and that youu can`t make yourself fall in love. i learned.. i learned that i can love.. i learned that it`s okay to mess up. and it`s okay to ask for help.. and it`s okay to feel like crap.. i learned it`s okay to complain and whine to all your friends for a whole day.. that somehow they`ll make it all better. i learned that sometimes the things you want most you can`t have. i learned that the greatest thing about school isn`t going to be who is most popular or going to the parties..not even the hook ups.. it`s the friendships.. which means taking chances. i learned that sometimes the things we forgive and forget are the things which we most need to talk out.. i learned that letters from friends are the most important thing.. and that sending cards to your friends makes youu feel better.. but basically, i just learned that my friends, both old and new, are the most important people to me in the world

You were very much in love with her. And you're still in love with her. But it amused me to make you ashamed of it. You gave up on the first person you ever loved because it threatened your reputation. Don't you get it? You're just a toy. A little toy I like to play with. And now you've completely blown it with her. I think it's the saddest thing I've ever heard.

even though i can say it's his loss,
deep down i know it will be mine too..

ain't if funny. how a day is just a day
until he comes in it.&& how a kiss is
just a kiss until he's the one who did it

A boy sits in his room.
With unseen tears running down his face.
Not about to end any time soon.
He sits on his bed, and reaches under his pillow. He pulls out that hidden notebook with the pages filled. Page by page he rips them out, the memories of her, good and bad. The only person he ever loved was this girl. He kept tearing at the pages, trying to let the feelings go, trying to forget the girl who just s h a t t e r e d his heart into pieces.

half of life is fucking up.
the other half is dealing with it.

she will chase you around for awhile but there's going to be a day when she's going to stop running in circles- around you.. she's going to get over you &&at that very moment ;; you're going to wish you had let her catch you*

i couldn`t live without you * even if i tried
u gurls r my best friends n i need you by
| _???* -? [[ m y . s i d e ]] ?- *?`?_ |

I'm starting to learn from relationships in the past.
Life is a bunch of bullshit & promises never last

eventually one of the
two things will happen.
he'll finally ;; realize
you're worth it or you'll
finally realize .. he isn't

- midol is like crack; end of story.
- we love ben && jerrys more than you.
- we will never be too old for sleepovers.
- gossip isn`t a sin; it`s an art.
- we must go to the bathroom in groups.
- we have this thing called feelings; don`t hurt them.
- there`s no point in having an ex if you can`t be a bitch to him.
- we don`t wake up looking pretty. it takes time and effort.
- sometimes is just never quite enough.
- we need girls nights; OFTEN.
- we hold grudges and we never forget the things you say to us that hurt.
- it doesn`t matter who dumped who or why. whenever we see an ex with another girl, it always bothers us.. not because we`re not over you, but because we know we used to be that girl.
- no guy wants to marry a whore. well, no girl wants to marry a manwhore either.
- never ever ask a girl what she weighs; or imply anything about her weight being too much or too little. just don`t do it.
- our eyes are located in our heads. not our chest or butt, when you`re not looking in our eyes, WE KN0W.

Theres a part of me that wishes all my dreamz would come tru and another part of me that prays ill wake up one mornin and be over u

its halloween al year here..people dressin up as sombody their not!

i dont want to b ur wholew orld..juss the beautiful part

juss when i thin u got him,...his gf walks by

theres so many things that could go wrong.so many ways i could lose you. i juss want to kno that you'll love me forever. i need to kno that ur with me to the end. as friends or as sumthin more. it doesnt matter, as long as your there

sumtymes its easier to say ur mad then to say ur hurt!

wut hurts more?hinking u shoudl ahte him or knoing that u dont!

there s certain feeling i get when im around u. i cant describe it but i kno it has sumthin to do with luv

every1 keeps telling me to get over u and juss move on. get on with my life. but obvisouly they cant see i've aleady tried

dont worry i want forget u like u did me, i wont abandon u when u need me the most. i wont talk about u behind ur back but i will always love u, always support u, and b there for u when u need me bcuz i love you with all my heart..dont even question that

never forget wut people say when they r mad. cuz thats when the truth comes out

there is no love like a lost 1

i only wanna b with u on 2 conditions..always and forever!

im juss a fucked up girl living a fuck up life in a fucked up world with a fucked up knife welcome to my life where being me is never enough

I realize now that it's over.
That there's no point.
That there's no chance.
I know all this and yet, i still have hope that you'll
come back to me. It's that hope that is slowly killing me

we're all a little weird, and when we find those people whose weirdness is compatible with ours.. we join up with them & fall into mutually satisfying weirdness & call them our best friends<3

Even though 'I've stopped liking you',
every time someone mentions your name,
my head turns right towards them.
It's like every time I hear it,
I think of all that we could have had
and all that could have happened
that didn't

"You know what it's like getting up every morning? Feeling hopeless, feeling like the love of your life is waking up with the wrong person. But, at the same time hoping that he still finds happiness, even if it's never going to be with you."

It's so hard to find a guy, a guy that knows how you feel, even when you havent told him anything. It's so hard to find a guy, a guy that treats you the way you've always wanted to be treated:::even though he doesn't know your last name yet. && it's so hard to keep some guy, 'some guy' that isn't interested anymore in what you have to give him. So once you find him, he's so easy to spot out, in a crowd of a million. But unfortunately that's it, hes just one in a million.

as we grow up, there's going to be many things that we don't like. hook-ups that mean so much to one person && nothing to the other. girls who like the same guy you like. you'll meet new people who may matter to you more than others might; but the one guy who stays by you till the end; will be the one.
-- laguna beach <3

you can't just sit back and see what happens...
you gotta get out there&&do it -Laguna Beach

Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile.
Someone who finds your presence worthwhile.
So when you're lonely, remember this is true: someone,
somewhere is thinking of you.

My pain you'll never know.
My feelings i'll never show.
The past remains nameless
& yet you think you fuckin know.

it's weird.. yeah, i miss you, but it's so much more than that.. i miss the way my heart stopped at just the sight of you, and that smile. gosh. that smile. the sad part is, your smile isn't the only thing i'm missing. i miss my own too.. the one thats only there when yours is. <3

being lonely isn't the worst feeling in the world. it's
being forgotten by someone you could never forget.

Do you ever get that feeling where you don't know. Where you don't wanna talk to anyone or don't wanna smile and don't wanna fake being happy but all at the same time you really don't know what's exactly wrong either?

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