Top Five Most Significant Fall Out Boy Songs

Mar 09, 2009 15:35

In regards to my last post I decided to make a list of my own.

Note: Like Chris said; these are the most significant songs to me. Not necessarily my "favorite."

  • "The World's Not Waiting (For Five Tired Boys In A Broken Down Van)"
    The lyrics of this song describe exactly what I want my life to be like. And the fact that Patrick was my age when he wrote this song makes me feel less like some dumb kid for thinking that.

    Start the van
    Get me out of this one horse town
    Waste this night

  • "Of All The Gin Joints In All The World"
    God, this song brings me back to Honda Civic Tour. This is the one song they played that night that is distinctly burned into my memory. Despite the fact that we had shitty seats and couldn't see the stage, this was one of the best concerts of my life. I remember Colleen and I screaming the lyrics in each others faces because we were just so fucking into it.

  • "Hum Hallelujah"
    For some reason I prefer listening to this record (IOH) in the dark. I love laying in bed, getting lost in the darkness while listening to this song. It also happens to have one of my all time favorite Fall Out Boy lyrics;

    And one day we'll get nostalgic for disaster

    That one line means so fucking much to me.

  • "Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy"
    Sadly, Sugar was technically the first FOB song I heard. (Not that I don't love Sugar. I just wish I hadn't gotten into FOB so late in the game.) But Grand Theft Autumn was the first song (that wasn't played on the radio) that I can recall listening to. I remember walking to Shannon's house, about an hour before I had to leave for Black Clouds and Underdogs. I had just gotten into the band so I had added a bunch of random songs onto my iPod before the show. I can distinctly remember listening to GTA on my walk over.

  • "Chicago Is So Two Years Ago (Acoustic)"
    I specified the acoustic version because of how much I love watching that "house party" video. I love listening to everyone's commentary and signing in the background. I love how young and earnest Patrick looks singing. I would give anything to go back in time and see them play this song.
    Seriously. Anything.

    Can I make my own meme? I think it would be cool if everyone on my Flist made a list of their own most significant FOB songs. It's interesting to see how the same songs can effect everyone differently. It's like what Pete says about music hitting you at a certain point of time in your life.

    I'm curious.
  • i made my own meme and you should do it, fob is my rushmore, list, fall out boy

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