This is for anyone who has something to say...

Jan 05, 2006 22:21

This is to ALL of you.. Brittany, Trisha, Jaysen, and whoever else has something to say....

Please stop with the immautre stuff guys! The myspace stuff, the comments, the shit talking. I know you all are smarter than this. This is a human life for god sakes. Charlie NEVER said the kid was not his. All he said was that he heard rumors from Brittany's friends. He never said he believed them and he never said he wouldnt be there for his child. Just because he has decided she is not the person he wants to be with does not make him a waste of life or anything of that sort. It is obvious that neither one of them knew what they were doing and now they both have to sacrifice things for it. They both are with other people and they both will have major responsiblities for this child. This shit talking that is going on is not going to help the situation, it is only going to make it worse on EVERYONE. I am sick of hearing and seeing everyone hurt over this. Everything happens for a reason. And just to clear things up on this end, Charlie does NOT talk shit about any of you. He does not bring you into conversation unless he has something to say about what is on the internet. He doesn't talk to any of the people you guys associate with whatsoever, so what your hearing is rumors. Just like the rumors arent true about Jaysen and Brittany, the rumors arent true that Charlie says anything bad about you. Being enemies with one another and calling people names is no way to solve a problem nor does it help you get your point across. Maybe everyone should sit down and talk, everyone who is going to be a part of this child's life. Wouldn't that be a little more feasible?

Why would anyone want this to end in a negative way?

That is all I have to say. I refuse to get involved any further but is hard to see everyone so stressed. Please think about what was said, honestly. I'm not being sarcastic, a bitch, or anything like that so please call the apartment or our cells to talk in a mature manner.. ANY of you..

To anyone else that this doesn't pertain to, I hope you are all had a great winter break.. and good luck this semester in college!

Off to start my reading for this semester.. Autobiography of Charles Manson.. I have to analyze him! Yikes! About to begin another semester of working and doing stuff for school.. even though I complain about it, I like it that I am working hard and not doing anything bad to mess up. Refreshed and rejuvenated are the words for 2006.

<3 Stefanie
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