Dec 04, 2005 12:03

Ok so last night was the ever so famous Christmas Party for my bank.. I just woke up if that tells you anything... I was waay trashed and it was way fun. We had steak and lobster as our main course.. and the same band as last year... we were in the bar like the WHOLE night.. it was awesome..

I have a headache today but ehhh oh well.. I have soooo much homework to do...

Yesterday I went to get my hair darkened, went to my dads, went tanning, and went by Waynes :) Found soem interesting news as always... Ryan was in town last night.. for a STUPID reason but you'll have that.. and from what I hear, ***EDIT***NOT GETTING ANYONE IN TROUBLE FOR BEING A GOOD FRIEND***.. Whatever... glad it took a forever for him to get over his ex (he was with her for half of the time he was with me) But he basically hopes that I die..

So today I am goign to attempt to get some of these papers started on this computer without playing around on it like I always do... Charlie works a Double tomorrow... so I really should get a lot done hopefully!

2 more dayz of classes (not including finals)
21 dayz till Christmas
25 dayz till my birthday
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