Jan 16, 2005 00:38
I must be runing out of luck cus ur just not DRUNK ENOUGH TO FUCK~!~
Well yesturday my baby came over again :) and then we just hung out here then went up 2 wendys and on the way there we got allen and kalonji OMG i sware everytime im with allen and kalonji i nearly piss my pants lmfao I LOVE KALONJI AND ALLEN SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FREAKING MUCH :) and then yea me and phil went over 2 allens for a few after wendys then we came back 2 my house and then he had 2 go home :( thats the part i always hate :( but its otay i get 2 see my baby everyday :)...
Then 2day Me and Philip went bowling and we REALLLLYYYYYYYYYY wanted to go to the monster jam but yea we had no way there and couldnt :( that suck but insted we went to the movies and seen Coach Carter it was a really good movie but LONGGGGGG and yeah but i had fun cus i was with my baby all day :) like always yayers ~!~
so yea that was pretty much my friday and saturday ...sunday (2morrow lol) ill probally just sit home or end up goin 2 phils or him comein over here :) probally not tho cus i got a shit load of hw to do :( but yea i still had fun this whole week and weekend :)