
Sep 17, 2021 17:38

Yee-haw!! Republican Gun Bingo is coming!


I'm unsure whether this is just a clever ploy to garner sympathy for the taxi companies, or a legitimate effort to grow food. Perhaps a bit of each. It reminds me uncomfortably of the Roman Forum being used for pig farming, when its original purpose had passed from the scene.


Today I saw a (new, I think) station wagon. Those used to be everywhere in the late 60s / early 70s, for all that one never sees them anymore. We used to could be able to get four or more kids in back, usually laying down, which led to the inevitable jokes about 'riding in the hearse'. Uncomfortable, and one supposes dangerous as well, but a lot of fun!

And, for all of the pickup trucks one sees these days, you never see kids riding in the back anymore. It was like being in a hurricane, and kind of scary, but also a lot of fun. You were dead in a crash, of course, but back then you were really no better in the cab, so...


And, 'riding in the hearse' triggered a random memory from high school. Back when everyone had custom vans, this one guy that I didn't really know that well had a used hearse, all solemn and bible-black, that he'd fitted out with a bed and plush carpetting in the back. It still had purple curtains on the windows too. It was basically good for camping, along with other (ahem...) uses. He called it 'The Party Hearse'.

I haven't thought about that for years.

* ***** Original posted at https://rain-gryphon.dreamwidth.org/235947.html

automobiles, sociology

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