The Payton Slaymaker Memorial Garbage Truck

Jul 12, 2021 17:54

So, there was this little girl Payton Slaymaker, who died of cancer earlier this year. She had some sort of aggressive brain cancer with an absolutely 100% fatality rate, although her parents, understandably, still hoped to the end that she'd get better. This led to a county-wide support effort with a meaningless, albeit vaguely badass-sounding slogan "Fear is a liar" (probably chosen to hearten the child, and all in an edgy, distressed 'crayon' font), and people putting up posters everywhere to show solidarity with the family. A fairly standard, even touching, rural response to local misfortune. Inevitably, and unexpectedly soon, she died.

The county decided to honour her memory at the parade that opened this year's county fair. Her relatives painted a garbage truck in her favourite colour, with her name and slogan on the side. Her parents were then ridden through town in the Payton Slaymaker Memorial Garbage Truck, leading the parade. On the one paw, I am delighted beyond words. On the other, I am completely appalled. It's like something from Kafka, or a really deranged episode of "Green Acres".

I'm left to ponder if it was really well-intended, or if the grandparents were taking an obscure shot at their daughter and son-in-law. Regardless, it's going to stick with me. ***** Original posted at

surrealism, sociology

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