Failure Modes

Jun 08, 2021 15:05

Michigan: the Disease State!


So McDonald's are boldly leading us into the future with their voice-recognition ordering system. It gets orders right 85% of the time, which is about as good as their burger-flippers do, and is much cheaper!

A enthusiastic as I am about automating fast food, I just don't trust McDonald's to do anything right, and that's the honest truth. Instead of forcing customers to talk to a robot, can't you just use some sort of console system like a sensible person? Do they have that many illiterate customers? Is the average McD's customer so far behind the curve that they see IVR as futuristic?


What's worse than a regular sunburn..?

Click to Embiggen

This honestly looks like a guy I used to work with. I'm sure it isn't, but... He was competent at what he did, but served as a sort of comic relief in IT, because stuff like this happened to him constantly. There may have been a curse on him.


For ze Oriflamme and St. Denis, you steenky Republicaine!. Haw haw haw! ***** Original posted at

france, sociology, michigan, doom

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