
Apr 12, 2021 21:10

So, we've owned this house about thirty years or so. In that time, I've accumulated two dead Cats, who are buried out back in their little Cat Cemetery, where I can see them from my window. They each have a tombstone. It dawned on me today how appropriate it is that the stone for Flaster, absolutely the best-behaved Cat who ever was, is perfectly flat and square, exactly as it was installed, whereas the stone for rambunctious old Cleo, aka 'The Cat from Hell', is heaved up on one end and has somehow rotated about thirty degrees. This is just so much in character for each Cat.

Prolly gonna leave 'em just as they are.


Purina released a new line of Qat Füd. Alexandra likes it well enough. They also released a cookbook to go the new varieties. My expectation was that it was recipes made using Qat Füd, but I was wrong. It's recipes along the same general lines of the Qat Füd, so you can have dinner dates with the Cat. ***** Original posted at

animals, mammals, cats

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