
Oct 31, 2020 17:46

Having found that being a Mayor is a bit above his skill level, Bill DeBlasio tries his hand at MLB management.


I'm resisting the urge to purchase an old 'ditto' machine, the sort that made those aniline purple transfer prints. They gave off such an *amazing* smell when they worked, and then when the teacher handed out the papers, everyone would put their face down to them and sniff them.

Apparently Freon, of all things, was the secret ingredient in that, because the rest was just mixed alcohol solvent. Fluorotrichloromethane was added to make the alcohol fire-resistant, as the early electric models had a tendency to burst into flames at awkward moments, if the switch or motor sparked.

I can't help but think that it would be fun to give dittoed handouts at a con, when they resume. The greymuzzles would be all "whoooaaaa!" and sniffing their handout, and the younger furs would be "WTF is this? Why is it purple?".


Mother's not resisting the urge to give money to charities. Most, perhaps all, are worthy endeavours (she chiefly favours those that give food to people), but I can't avoid thinking it's like digging a hole in the sand. The incomprehensible part comes when she gripes because she keeps getting more and more charity request letters. ***** Original posted at

scoundrels, sociology, history

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