
Feb 05, 2020 22:11

Acquitted... For-EVER! (say it in your Pinkie Pie voice)


Not exactly the best few days for Ye Olde Democrattes.


Pretty good few days for that one old soldier, though. He got to help with the Super Bowl, *and* with the State of the Union.

When I was little, WWI soldiers were still around, and most grown-ups had taken part in, or at least remembered, The War (always said in capital letters). Now, we're down to just a few.


I'm pleased by the way Mayor Pete's gayness hasn't been made a campaign issue, either for or against. Interestingly, he seems to have better support among rural voters than among urban and college voters. I personally have had no-one suggest that I ought to support him for being gay, which I'd honestly kind of expected. It's always nice when things work out better than you expect.

Original posted at https://rain-gryphon.dreamwidth.org/141144.html

sociology, politics, history

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