The Intelligence of Plants...

Apr 24, 2019 08:58

Plants learning, and learning, frankly, over a very brief training period.

I seriously doubt that this involves any sort of consciousness or memory of events as an animal would experience it. Certainly there's no playback of past events and modelling of possible outcomes. There's some kind of feedback-capable biochemical timer involved in this. Regardless, it's fascinating to consider.


So, Elizabeth Warren would like to forgive unpaid college debt. No word on how she plans to compensate the responsible ones who sacrificed for years to be sure that their debt was paid back.


Looks like the Philippines are gonna send their mighty army to conquer Canada.


As well as I generally respond to Bernie, it must be admitted that his ideas are insane. Quite apart from the fact that felons are, by their nature, people who are unsuited to help make the rules for society, has he actually given any thought to what would happen in elections in rural counties with large prisons, where prisoners may actually constitute a majority of the county's population?

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science, plants, dumbasses, politics

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