That Whole New Green Dream Thing...

Apr 05, 2019 22:35

So, a targetted fix for atmospheric CO2. Assuming it works, it's an absolutely perfect solution. It's cheap (possibly even profitable with time); it's entirely transparent to the consumer, requiring no changes in behaviour; it turns atmospheric CO2 back into petroleum feedstock (no mention in the article of the pioneering work Ye Olde Nazis did in this); it can be implemented piecemeal, requiring no multi-national coordination; and best of all, it adds another tool to our armamentarium. Our ability to steer the environment is increased, rather than decreased, by this method.

...and I love the phrase "the chalky calcium carbonate pellets".

And, of course, the Greens are in a lather to stop it. Because the Green agenda never was about "global warming", or "carbon footprints", or saving the world. It was entirely about economic and social control. A cheap, quick fix is a disaster to them.

Original posted at

scoundrels, science, politics

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