
Mar 07, 2019 09:02

So, this R. Kelly guy who's in the process of publicly self-destructing... I'd heard the name, and was vaguely aware of him as a singer, although there's no song or anything I associate with him. Younger acquaintances assure me that he's uber-famous, and that I've certainly heard various songs of his. So, in looking online to listen to some of his songs, I find that he's apparently well along the path to becoming an unperson, who certainly never recorded any music that anyone ever liked, and who may not ever have been famous to begin with, since that would have required someone to have liked him. Such are the times in which we live.


Also, DreamWidth flags "uber-famous" as mis-spelled, but not "unperson". Also, "DreamWidth" is apparently not a word.

Original posted at https://rain-gryphon.dreamwidth.org/71257.html

scoundrels, sociology

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