Politics Time!

Feb 21, 2019 15:59

So, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46965281 Bernie's running for POTUS again. I am oddly fond of the man. His policies, if enacted, would most assuredly destroy the economy and demote the United States to a second-rate power, but there's just something about him. It's mainly, I think, that he believes what he says, simply and wholeheartedly. He cares about the common people and wants to help, just like Trump does. I'm a bit surprised at how much weight that carries with me.

I would have sworn that I saw in the news a couple months ago that the Democrats had changed their rules so that you had to be a registered member of the donkey team to contest the primaries. I recall cackling at the time, since that meant Bernie would almost certainly run in the general election as an independent. Not seeing anything about that now.


I strongly suspect that a pair of Song Sparrows are scouting a place for a nest in the shrubbery just outside the window over the kitchen sink. It's way early, but that's what it looks like.


So, I was looking for some information about an anomalous observation (an equatorial bright spot) made during the 1960 transit of Mercury. My search was "transit of mercury anomaly 1960". Google showed me the usual thing at the bottom for "Searches related to transit of mercury anomaly 1960", which I'm pretty sure are searches others have done that have matching terms. One of what I got is "transit of venus from mars". Why? Can anyone think of a plausible reason for wanting to know that?

Original posted at https://rain-gryphon.dreamwidth.org/70148.html

animals, birds, science, wtf?, politics, sparrows

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