
Nov 23, 2018 00:34

So, it looks as though Hillary will be trying again in 2020 - she's now blaming the rise of populism on out of control immigration. Rather a turnabout from her 2016 pledge to throw the borders open to South Americans, and double the number of Syrian refugees.

Had she run against Obama in 2012, she could probably have beaten him, and certainly that loser Romney, and right now she'd be winding up her second term.

In the end, I still think that all Hillary *really* believes in is that it's her turn to be President. While I certainly have no problem with a leader whose beliefs are changeable (I loved Bill Clinton), "be POTUS" seems to be Hillary's entire agenda. I have some reservations about that ending well.


Youngstown broke their Christmas tree. Ohio...

Original posted at https://rain-gryphon.dreamwidth.org/61692.html

obama, hillary, christmas, romney, politics, ohio

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