In the News!

Jul 12, 2018 08:02

So, the titty bar gentlemen's club where Stormy Daniels got herself arrested is about a mile from my home. I've written of it before. This is the place that has the sign "Beer - always $4!", which I surmise is, remarkably enough, intended as an enticement rather than a warning. As such places go, it does honestly seem to be less overtly sleazy than its competitors. The grounds and parking lot are kept free of trash, the building is interestingly designed and well-maintained, and they have a very attractive and over-the-top lighting display, with magenta and blue gas discharge tubing outlining the building. This, too, is well-maintained, with no dead spots, etc.

They've an illuminated signboard by Cleveland Rd., and are always advertising various events, including Christmas parties. This, somehow, makes the place seem less of a den of iniquity than it might otherwise be, I suspect because they're behaving as though there were nothing shameful/icky about what they're doing, which again is in contrast to their competitors. I can't help but think, though, that a Christmas party in such a setting would be roughly as depressing as spending Christmas in the hospital, or stranded in an airport.

I'm not entirely sure why I have such a negative reaction to the place, especially considering some of the stuff I roleplay on Tapestries and various other furry venues. Part of it is that I'm queer as the proverbial three dollar bill, and find the way that some straight men objectify women to be offputting, even actually frightening at times. That's not the whole thing, though. I don't go to the gay bars, etc, either. I think it's that treating someone like a toy in real life is more transgressive of social norms (at least to me) than roleplay or pornography.

Anyway, I'm delighted that this happened. Quite apart from political considerations, I grew up in a small town, and it used to always bother me that everything that happened on the news happened in places far away from me. This is in walking distance :)

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