In The News

May 09, 2018 13:37

I am so pleased to see that dreadful Iran treaty flushed down the toilet. Quite apart from the merits (or lack thereof) of the treaty itself, is the fact that, just like the Paris Accord, it was never ratified by the Senate. In fact, the Senate voted against it.


Meanwhile, in zany old Tanzania...


The Russians have a robotic tank. It's long seemed to me that tanks would be the best and easiest things to turn into autonomous fighting vehicles. Considering how everyone made autonomous UAVs before anyone even started on tanks, there's obviously some flaw in my reasoning.

That tank seems to me to have an incredibly high profile, like something from the beginning of the Second World War. I'm guessing there's something intrinsic to the design that requires that. While there's no crew at risk, that's obviously a very costly weapon, and I have to think they did what they could to make it survive on the battlefield.


The deodorant challenge. Now normally, when you read stories about stuff like this, it's de riguer for the teen to insist that they didn't know it could hurt them. I've often had my doubts about the truthfulness of that, especially with absolutely moronic stunts like eating Tide Pods. Here, the girl is telling how all of her friends have scars from doing this, but she went ahead and did it anyway. Words fail me, little girl...

I wonder what causes the injury? I can't imagine that the dedorant itself is responsible for that. Is it perhaps frostbite from adiabatic cooling?


Yet another ebola outbreak.

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tanks, scoundrels, ebola, iran, sociology, robots, russia

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