A Bevy of Miscellania

Oct 29, 2017 22:44

Woohoo! I'm going again Wednesday to see the My Little Pony movie with friends! It's been a while since I was this happy and excited about something :)


For the past few days, for whatever reason, I've had "Horatius at the Bridge" stuck in my head, specifically:

Then up spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate.
"For ev'ry man upon this earth, death cometh, soon or late.
Yet how can man die better, than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his gods?"

If, by some circumstance, I manage to get myself killed in even a quasi-heroic manner these next few days, you'll know what was in my head.


So, I was just at the store, and they have... Bottled water... In Halloween packaging... It's plain that it's intended as something to give trick-or-treaters. It's not even a full bottle of water - it's one of those little ball-shaped bottles. That's just begging for a string of firecrackers through the mail slot.


I keep obsessing over Tempest Shadow. Such an angry Little Pony, and so hurt and vulnerable beneath that case-hardened steel exterior. She absolutely needs hugging.


I found all the parts for Flaster's old Cat Tree, and put it up for Alexandra. She absolutely loves the thing. She's put more wear and tear on it clawing it and climbing up and down and up and down and up and down in two days that Flaster did in several years. He was a sweetheart of a cat, but never a climber. I miss him so much.

I'm glad I took Alexandra. She plugs one of the holes in my life.

Original posted at https://rain-gryphon.dreamwidth.org/21285.html

cat, alexandra, mlp, flaster

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