Salt-Bomb Orthodoxy

Mar 23, 2017 18:40

I was unaware that there was once a special car for women. Personally, I'll have to differ with the author - I think that's quite a nice-looking car, much sleeker and racier-looking than the average 1950s car, and most of the commentators seem to agree. I love the comment to the effect that the only way it could be more awesome would be if it had a rocket launcher.


Another American child raped by illegals. The kicker is at the end, where they reveal that this is the third one this month.


NASA finally has a proper budget and mission again, and the Space Council is being revived! Also, the POTUS is open to the idea of launching Congress into space! :D


This may have been the case for some time, and I just haven't noticed, but all of the local grocery stores seem to carry fresh shiitakes now. When I was little, mushrooms were something that there were one kind of, and they came in a can. Produce in general has gotten so much more varied in my lifetime.


Dinosaurs came from Britain. And I applaud the return of ornithoscelida. The entire ornithiscian/sauriscian dichotomomy always seemed very arbitrary to me.

animals, food, science, history

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