Ten Times as Big as My Butt!

Mar 03, 2017 21:39

We have $103 million allocated in foreign aid to Peru, who are hosting the Pan American Games in 2019. We have $12.9 million allocated in foreign aid to Brazil, who just hosted the World Cup and the Olympics. If a country has sufficient resources to bid on events like these, why should they be receiving American aid? Granted that these aren't enormous sums in the overall federal budget, but it is infuriating nevertheless to reflect that the American taxpayer is being forced to give his money to countries which can afford to host vanity events.


I'm pleasantly surprised to find that the guy making the bomb threats to the Jewish community centres is a plain old psycho, and not part of the self-styled "resistance". Every so often, things turn out less ominous than you had anticipated.

I love too how the MSM outlets are all careful to inform you right up front that he's an EX-journalist. Gotta make that careful distinction.


New minerals have appeared since the dawn of the industrial age. It makes sense when one thinks about it, but it's the sort of thing that never would have occurred to me.

scoundrels, science, politics

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