The Order of the "J"

Jun 20, 2006 05:31

I see New Orleans is getting back to normal. Five people got machine-gunned in a drive-by, and they're calling out the National Guard to restore order. You'd never know there'd been a hurricane.


Rock on, mighty Butler County!. Now, if we could get our Sheriff here to show that kind of zeal. NPR, of course, seems to think that it's terrible and unfeeling to actually make life hard for criminals.


Historic Disasters in Moody County, SD. At the beginning of the last century, your life evidently wasn't worth a plugged nickel there because of the constant disasters. Includes a nice picture of a tornado, taken in 1908, when they were rarely photographed. I'm guessing it hasn't touched down yet, since the funnel is still white, and there's no debris flying around.


What a bizarre way to die. The poor guy was lying in his bed watching a ballgame and a car came flying through his roof and smashed him. Some days you just can't win.


A reminder for all that this Saturday, June 24th is the Columbus Pride Parade. It steps off at 1pm from Goodale Park. You'd do well to be in place by 11am or so, judging from past years.


I got a 1941 nickel in my change earlier tonight. Just now the vending machine shot out five packets of potato chips. It's my day for vending machine karma.


Vintage Trans-Am cars are coming to Mid-Ohio. And, unexpectedly enough, there's a Vintage Go-Kart Society. That might be fun. I remember when Karts were basically kludged-together contraptions, and as such were lots of fun. I distinctly recall a twin-engine job being raced at Huntingburg Park with a half-gallon plastic milk jug full of gasoline mounted over the steering column as the gas tank. Even at the age of ten, I thought that might be a questionable practice. There would be so many heart attacks if that showed up today...


I had occasion to drive down 17th Avenue yesterday, which passes through the Stoat Fair Grounds. They've already got the Skyride assembled. The Stoat Fair is coming!

state fair, doom, racing, vending machines

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