Sep 30, 2005 22:08
Well since I haven't been updating lately now that i'm going to again i always forget too.
History- Mr Luedke was dressed like a priest. So now me && Natalie are going to call him *father Luedke* (so far i've actually been.. but not to his face. hah)
Health- um finished notes?
Biology- got our tests back. I got a D. hehe. Me && Regan both have to retake it. Like everyone in the class got an A+ and i got a D. haha big surprise there.
English- I think we read Freak the Mighty? werid book. but omgg the way that the guy talks reminds me of Megan. hah
Geometry- um dont remember
Foods- I dont know but im sure it was boring. oh yeah i did my math homework =]
then I rode Natalie && Megans bus. hah. Then i went to Natalies house && they did homework but i didnt have any cause i did it in 6th hour =) then soccer game. not getting into detail but since everyone at school seems to think i punched that girl. I DIDNT.
History- ummm i dont think we really did anything important. but we had a fire drill :) but it was like -430580943 degrees.
Health- did the study guide with Cassi. actually i just sat and Cassi did it =]
Biology- did some lab with a microscope? hmm i like broke 4 slides. but Mrs Memminger was like whatev.
Geometry- boring as usual. Except Mr Lindsay was like "ill turn on some jams" so we were like okay thinking it was something good. It was like major werid music. hmmm
Foods- watched some movie && i did my math homework =]
then Natalie came over =] We didnt really do anything though. but whateverrrrr
Then i had an ortho appointment. turns out im like getting this retainer thing thats like permanent for 4 months THEN i'm getting braces for 2 years. sheesh. fag
History- took notes. very boring. But omgg today for the first time i noticed that Father Luedke (=]) has rope lights!!!
Health- took the test. I thought fo sho that i was gonna fail. but it was pretty easy.
Biology- watched a movie. I took notes for extra credit. cause I sOoOoO need it. oh well. Next week we are doing a project on cells. With for people in a group. Me*Izzy*Clare*AnnMarie.
English- checked the homework. thats about it. Mrs Murphy is so awesome. She is like so animated && stuff.
Geometry- listened to some more of Mr Linsdays annoying music and did some worksheets.
Foods- Cooked some werid thing. bread or something. Merna did most of it. Shes pretty good. Im sOoOo not. lol. --- then i went online for awhile.. then BARN!!
I rode Famouse =] Whitney on Odie && Ashton on Sunny. We jumped this awesome grid. basically it was an awesome lesson. I never really used to like Famous. but hes A-W-E-S-O-M-E :) Then i hung out with Bean && Beth && Kate for awhile.
now i gotta go shower && stuff. early soccer game tomorrow. hmm