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Jun 02, 2005 15:52

I'm so freaked out by Final Exams its like i have no memory of this whole semester!! and now poof its here...i hate high school its terrible lol i never wanna go back..and just to think next year ill be in a whole new school and have no new friends and just be a loner..what kinda loser am i lol..and then there test might be even HARDER...so Grrrrr...ne ways me and ray worked shit out and its all good im gunna see him from the 9th-12th i think..but who cares ill be there awhile and hah for him cause he has school on Friday next week and all full days whata loser jk ray..that kinda rymes..ne ways..i think im failing math..which is never good but i think ill do OK on the final so w/e and i have some of my grades updated so here they are..not that u all care but its just a reminder for me...

English-C+ because of my 80% on my Benchmark

Health-D+ maybe even a C- because of my test which i got a 97% on

Math-E maybe a D-

History-C and a C+ by tmw cause of my packet 21/25

Science-C just because im good like that

LRC-A because im good like that again..

Well there not terrible but still im failing a couple classes..not good but ill get em up and if i dont i always can get the mail before my mom does lol *winks* much love im out!

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