(no subject)

May 19, 2005 12:19

God im so stressed right now its not even funny..i have to get all C's and above in order to have a good summer..what kinda BS is that i mean common im a straight D student i know that sounds terrible but i mean i actually passed this year and this is my first year EVER in my life passing on my own at least and then my moms like oh im proud of u but u still have to get good grades even if u do pass..im like WTF..thats stupid as hell...and now i have Ray..hes messin up in school too its like hes got enough shit on his hands anyway why does his dad and mom have to pressure him sooo much..i would hate to be him WAY to much stuff to do..ne ways i got my progress report and i kinda threw it away lol...because i mean i know i have E's on there and that sucks and i would be grounded but not this time im not dealing with that ne more..im gunna get good grades..im gunna pass and im GOING TO HAVE A SUMMER AND THATS FINAL!...wish me luckkk..im gunna need it i think...

My grades...







not that bad but still...


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