Apr 24, 2005 18:12
Well here i am again stressed as can be..Rays dad says hes not "Man enough" to buy condoms from planned parenthood and that his friends Josh steals them from the corner store its like can u be so low to say that your son who is almost 17! cant buy condoms without u thinkin that he stole something or what not!!....And his mom is prefectly fine with me being on birthcontrol!!!!!!!!!!! shes being so awsome latley she felt bad for takin me home early comon u know that...thats odd as hell...but me and Ray overall are fine..he makes life soo Peacfull and worth living i mean we were laughing on the way home..im so comfortable around him its amazing just that feeling of lookin in his bright BLUE eyes when hes laughing and his bright smile that lights up my world...his hair is like cotton soft no matter what has been in it lol :::Gel ect::: well im gunna go call him since hes so wonderful and makes me so happy ill tell u more about the weekend tmw!!
Loving him is...A M A Z I N G!!!