Heyy long time no updatin!!...I've been grounded since like Saturday *Yesterday* So there ya go that was my spring break except yesterday n Friday..I went to Crystals house and Jenn Jenn was there lol we watched the movie IT. and me and Jenny kept Crys up all night lol and we got all confused cuz of the time change lol me and jenny were up till like 5:00 in the morning talkin to ray and just laughing lol..were odd...Crys got mad..sorry crys lol...*Crys=Crystal* lol well yah i guess im pretty good i would be grounded today but i cleaned the whole house lol...Omg i miss Ray soo much its unbelivable its crazy i didnt talk to him for like 8 days and then i havnt seen him in bout 5 weeks...=( thats the longest we have been apart..i miss him!!...kisses, hugs, whispers ect!! Grrr lol im seeing him this weekend tho for sure!!! i dont care if i have to walk...well i started my B.C yesterday i got sick too lol i forgot to eat with it..silly me..omg i hate having that resposability...anyways in other news Kate has a bf!! and there gunna be soo cute to see together...there awsome!! his names Andy but hes mad at her so im gunna run him over with my scooter lol...jk kate...ne who..Ray was in Arkansas for like EVER and i missesd him then too...ok off the subject of Ray damn..thats all i talk about...So my mom says my life is going to change..she is putting me on a diet...*Tear* and then i have to work out..then i only get to go on the computer till like 7 every week-day grr but on the weekends i get to just sit there and do nothing on the computer just to piss her off lol and now her bf is starting to bug me..i dont know why but o well..ok well i have one more thing to say before i go...!! I GOT MY NOSE PIRCED!!! hehe im outie *waves to all friends and Ray!!*
xo Lindzee ox
I love...Hah...RAY!
look at the arrow lol