Today I went to Ukrainian School. We had three tests, which I didn't understand AT ALL! Me and Ulia were talking like the whole time. lol thanx for the awesomely awesome excellent quality headband julezy. I"m wearing it right now!! And I took some pix in it that I'll get developed later. ok so then when I came home I was online and I found some pictures of our dance group.. I'm gonna like sue these people for putting them online!
us last year at zlet two years ago oh yeah and a rriver camp pic that i wasn't there for :( so yeah, now I'm basically sitting here doing nothing in ulia's headband which i have been wearing for like 6 hours. haha like 10 mins ago i started pretending to punch my dad so he pretended to punch me and we got into this whole big fight and then I was like "You can't get past my awesome karate skills!!" so then we started doing all fake karate noises and moves. lol i know its really weird. ok off to chat with my girlies....