Jul 25, 2004 23:05
GrRrRrR!! im so frustrated...i dont know how to work hte background picture thing cuz i cant find overrides, and i thought it would take me like 10 or 15 mins but it actually took me like 10 mins to find the picture, and an hour to try and figure out how you get to overrides, and i cant find it any where! and dont know where my background picture went in the first place, i saw it, nad hten like 10 mins later kaite was like oh is there supposed to be a pic and i said yeah, dont u see it, and she says no. so i jsut thought maybe it was sumthin up with her comp cuz sometimes my comp does that, but then i went over my dads today and saw it and the picture wasnt there....? so im a little frustrated with trying to figure this out. i thogut it would be easy but since i have like some sort of brain block goin on its not so it sucks!
that was waaay too long
oh me complaining haha
im done