May 18, 2005 18:14
I was bored as hell so i did this...
(( YOU ))
1. Full Name_ Elizabeth Ashley Kirsch
2. Nicknames_Liz, Lizzy, Lizzybear
3. City / State_ My own crazy world! And it's all in this dumb blonde head of mine...l0l Allie!
4. Birthday_ June 11
5. Age_ 12
6. Zodiac Sign_ Gemini
7. School_ OLMS
8. Hobbies_ DANCE!,talkin, shopping, hanging w/ friends, and flirting (he he)
10. Height_ 5' 3''
11. Shoe Size_ 8
12. Righty or Lefty_ Right
(( FAMILY ))
1. Parents Names_ Michele and Steven
2. Siblings / Ages_ none
3. Do you get along with your parents_ most of the time
4. Do you get along with your siblings_ no syblings!
5. Do you all live together_ Yeah!
1. Day of the week_ SATURDAY!
2. Month_ June
3. Season_ Summer
4. Holiday_ Hannukah & My birthday! HELLO MONEY!$!..L0L
5. Movies_ The notebook, Meet the Fokers, and many more!
6. Actors_ Too many to mention!
7. Actresses_ The olsens....sad but true...also the simpsons
8. TV Shows_ There is to many but soem are...Full house, punk'd, cribs, american idol, the look for less, Extreme makeover: home edition, and many others!
9. Songs_ Hollaback girl
10. Music Groups_ simple plan, Sum 41
11. Music Singers_ ciara, gwen stefani
12. Quote_ Have the lyme of your life...and you put the lime in the coke you nut and drink it all up!
13. Colors_ pink n blue
14. Animal_ !MUFFY!
15. Flowers_ Roses
16. Books_ ummm I hate reading...but umm...chicken soup for the teenage soul
17. School Subject_ Lnguage Art...I dunno
18. Foods_ candy, french fries, Pizza....and all that good stuff
19. Drinks_ Sprite, water, diet rite, and others
20. Ice Cream_ CAKE MIX! rissy!
21. Pizza Toppings_ cheese, groundbeef, and pineapple
1. Best Friends_ Too too many!
2. Funniest_ Marissa
3. Most Trustworthy_ Katy
4. Most Loyal_Katy
5. Most Honest_ Erza
6. Gives you Advice_ Allie
7. Loudest_ Sceanar...l0l
8. Shyest_ Dori
9. Most Boycrazy_ Rissy?
10. Most Trendy_ Allie
11. Lives closest to you_ Erza
12. Lives farthest away from you_ Evan I...xoxo
13. Are you most like_ Katy
14. Most talented_Depends
15. Best Singer_ Allie
16. Best Dancer_ OF COURSE ME! L0L!
17. Most memories with_ Katy & Rissy
1. Baseball or Football_ baseball
2. Ben Stiller or Ben Affleck_ Ben Stiller...(Gaylord Focker...HA HA )
3. Cat or Dog_ DOG
4. Truck or Car_ car
5. Rain or Sun_ sun
6. Winter or Summer_ summer
7. Love or Lust_ Both
8. Aladdin or Beaty and the Beast_none
9. Movies or Broadway_movies
10. CD or Tape_ CD
11. DVD or VHS_ DVD
12. Ham or Turkey_ neither
13. Feet or Hands_What kind of question is that?!
14. Legs or Arms_ same as above
15. Dance or Singing_!DANCE!
16. Cell or Housephone_ cell
17. Friends or BF/GF_ both
18. Flying or Driving_ flying
19. Running or Jogging_ I dunno
20. Apple pie or Pumpkin pie_Pumpkin
21. Christmas or Birthday_ Birthday...I'm Jewish!...l0l
22. Pink or Blue_ both
23. White or Black_ Black
24. Britney or Christina_ None
25. iPod or MP3_ I actually dunno
_I'm really sick so eave comments to make me feel better!