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Dec 25, 2004 01:16

merry x -mas urrbody!  and to my hoes ... HAPPY KWANZAA!!!.. i say that b.c urrbody kno that we be blak !. lol well hmm so far  "santa " gave me some good shyt ... i got a blue thin didgital cameruhh from my mommuh hoe and she gave me a  louis purse with my fav perfume .. BURBURRY BRIT!  yumm... and my aunt  that works in saks fifth gave me a  perfume the beyond paradise one ..umm she gave me some cool eyeliver thing that ive wanted it comes with a lil brush and its like a gel type thing its so good... its lasts forever!!!! and  then she  also got me some lip gloss there .. and thats it...  i still have other family members to go see ... so who knows .. ? maybe i have more gofts???,,,   but last night  we spent it at my grannies since my grandpa cant really go anywhere =/.. but w.e.... umm  my x mas was fun !>. i was dying of allergies but w.e .. my wntie family was questioning my face and why it was so scratched up !!??? well thast cause i got into a fight =/ ...  yup yup .. at don carteres on wednesday ...  that fat ugly  fuking  stretch marked titti bitch  sasha is gonna get it .. my brovva already tolded all his friends about her man which was the one who started the whole thing ... !!!  my mom was some wuite dissappointed in me .. saying that she doesnt even kno who i am anymore that ive changed .. blahh .. blahhh .. but wtf .. my uncle always taught  me as well as my dad and brothers that if anyone touches me , u hit them bak ... so that s what i did ...  she pulled my hair, so  we fought ! so yeah ... my unlce was  pretty  mad at the fact that i didnt kill her ... and he sounded  pretty serious about that too ...   but w.e we have her WEAVE !!! and that nasty bitch told the cop to go bak and get it for her .. lol  .. IERNA !! ( lol adri )   that means hell naw... lol ...  we have that shyt and teri is planning on doing some pretty funny shyt with that  nasty thing .. lol ,, and we have her fuking monster truck sandal in my car ...  for some reason when we ended up in my car fighting she kinda lost  her sandal in there ...  fuking bitch is like a size 13 ......in men ...lmao ...  and its tru what georgie said .. now we kno who our tru friends are ... according to teri there were madd ppl watching   but we mean  aloooooott of ppl and nobody decided to help ...  nobody as in our "friends "...   so fuk all of u ... all ur  getting from me is a hi and a bye ...  fuk dat and fuk the world ...    lol.. and fuk a  "gang "or street called 149 !! lol   " wtf  is that ? is that how many diks hes suked?  "..... lol andrew !!! uz a funny nigguh!!!  well hmm  WINTER WONDERLAND  @  space on sunday ... were going ..!! hopefully ... adri teri javi  ali jorge steven and i ...  well i dunno if the guys are gonna go like on their own or what  pero w/e i guess we'll meet up  anyway... well hm im tired and i work tom ... from 6 to midnight !... why? cause they are jewish and they dont celebreate x mas therefore we have to work !!!  well  umm buh bie ... and ahppy holidaiis to all !!!!!!!!! wun !
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