Nov 08, 2004 18:53
SOooo I havent updated in a long time .... so im gonna tell u whats been happenin and ur gonna like it or dont read it heh. Sooo that one thursday lmao i didnt go to tri hi even though i was like 99% sure i was gonna go so i was upset cause alotta people asked me if i was goin and i said yeah so i guess that makes me a liar? lol. Hmmm that friday gawsh im not good with dates but yeah CHS made it to playoffs so we are all excited about that :)!!! we played Stevenson AKA THE SMURFS!! and hell yeah WE WON!!!! haha it was great the shs people left because we were singin " NA NA NA NA ,NA NA NA NA, HEY HEY GOOOOOOD BYE!!" yeah it was great i enjoyed it. SO yeah on the way home like 10 of us piled in the back of my sis's car and we were screamin our asses off N' sam and mel were laughing extremley hard haha.SAturday A whole lotta us went to parzes and watched scary movies , i liked all of em except micheal myers lmao he scares me "RUN BITCH HES GONNAA KEELLLL UUUU!!!" haha. HAlloween BINTER AND SPEDSTA N i passed out candy to all the lil' kiddys they were soooo cute:), then we decided to go get Kuteker, bad idea all 3 of us not knowing left from right lmao so that took a goodd half hour even though we were RIGHT by it and it was right by CHurCHill lmao, we went to ryannes and her mom gave us a buncha food, i didnt go to dannys like i was gonna but thats ok i had alotta fun:). Monday seeing as we didnt have school tuesday i went to the movies w/ the girls, it was good to get out w/ juss the girls for a change without the guys taggin along lmao j/k gotta love the guys :) ,we saw the grudge lmao and it was awesome because meg N' rachel, N vanessa N'everyone ended up bein there :) alicia is the loudest screamer ive ever heard in my life... gotta love her though <3. I know its mean but when i got home my sister turned on the channel w/ the chinese and japanese people doing crazy stunts on like channel 63 and i told her to shut it off because i am a lil scared of them not cause who they are juss cuz the movie was in like japan or somethin N' i didnt like the japanese samara girl lmao. it was a good movie though so i think u should go see it. Last friday i didnt go to school haha N MaZURRR N the tard called me and asked me if i wanted to go to red robin so i said yeah, how could u pass thatt up? i say mazur is a crazy driver and doesnt use her blinker, only around COPS lol but hey thats just me lmao,we had ANOTHER game at TRUMAN in TAylor , Mr. P drove all of us it was the PARTY IN THE GREEN MACHINE!! we jammed out to some good ol' country lmao, as anjelica would say their not ghetto " their white trash" i guess theres a difference lmao.IT was SoOoOOoO cold :( but we KICKED ASS 34-0!!! 2-0. Here we come STERLING HEIGHTS FRANKLIN? lol its gonna suck though cause i gotta find a babysitter for my child development loud ass child or bring it with me lmao cause i have it this weekend w/. katie haha , my sister i couldnt believe said if she wasnt gonna go up to state this weekend to visit her friends that she woulda watched it lmao,SoOoO.. any takers? lmao lemme no.
Last night i could not fall asleep for the life of me seein as i wasnt smart N i had an iced capachino( h/e u spell it) blast soo i basically stayed up all night thinking about everything that has went wrong in the past ohhhh.... 4 years? lol so that was for about 2 hours of thinkin haha which i never do, i hate that. Its so funny how much me and Kenny are alike cause we talked about how hard things are to realize now that were older N how much we dont want to even though we do, and how hard it is to forget things and put things aside like they've never happend, im glad i have her to talk to about certain things , love u:).for c/d were doing this huge fundraiser for premature babys to save them and help them be able to survive i've got alotta donations so far but every dollar counts so if u wanna be a good person and donate lemme no. yeah that was a buncha random stuff N what not ... comment i guess ....
* i'll be the air that u breathe
i'll give the strength that you need
i'll be the light in your eyes
When hope becomes hard to see
ill be ur shinin star.........*
2 guide u wherever you are
N I promise that ill be by your side
Alwayz you N' I *
*I lOvE YoU*
<3*~ LaUrEn~*<3