why can't i please you?
i try everything in my power to please you and to make you proud but nothing is ever good enough. when i overachieve, you bother me about living the college life and enjoying the proper experience. when i do nothing, you pester me about possible expenses. i really just can't win. it kills me that i try and i try and you hardly acknowledge what im putting myself through. it kills me even more that i can't muster up the courage to tell you these things. im so unhappy right now and i partially blame you. i shouldn't be here right now! i shouldn't have been forced to stay in tallahassee. i should be allowed to make my own decisions but you just can't let me. it really isn't fair to me. i know you're going through your own shit right now but i honestly can't believe you don't hear the way you talk to me sometimes. first you did it to tyler and now you're doing it to me. even though im working my ass off to make you proud, i'm not progressing. i'm not achieving anything. i'm not getting a fucking thing out of my life in your eyes. you leave me so clueless. i might as well walk around with a giant fucking question mark about my head permanently.
thank you jesus for bringing this person back into my life. he's becoming someone i rely on to get me through my day but someone i honestly care about. we understand each other and we have fun together even though we can't be with each other physically. at least not yet. distance is separating us and it may always separate us but we are somehow together. i don't know how id be going about my life right now if you hadn't brought him back to me. a random facebook chat has turned me around. im scared but im going with it.
i need school. i need my friends. i need some freedom.
quit holding my wings and let me fly.